As a former international banker with particular expertise in arranging funding for international projects of all sizes, usually very large, this writer is well aware of the importance attaching to well-presented and credible budgets, projections, etc.
As the details of the Project become more defined, full budgetary requirements will emerge. They will be presented here (this is a wholly transparent project). At present only a broad brush presentation is possible.
Contrary to usual practice, the nature of this Project, born in consciousness, demands that we publicly record progress, from conception to full realisation. This will help establish a dynamic record of progress.
To get to the stage at which architects and designers can be instructed (and paid) and planning documents can be prepared, we need to bring together expertise and interested parties in small think tanks and workshops. We will need to hire, at least part-time, some suitably qualified individuals to assume support responsibilities. And we have travel and day-to-day expenses to cover.
We have broken down the Project Realisation process into a number of distinct sequential blocks –
(a) develop our wikispaces and general internet presence to generate energetic support for the LightLiving Project and attract the best ideas and examples from around the globe
(b) establish a strong identity, profile and internet presence, including creating an advisory body and supporting structures for the LightLiving Foundation
(c) progress the creating in writing of the matrix which will form the starting basis for the LightLiving Laboratory
(d) prepare a fundraising strategy and launch it in stages :
focus : secure funding to design website, corporate profile, PR programme, travel, professional fees, etc.
funding : projected requirement ……… £220,000
timing : start autumn 2014 – to cover 2 year planning period
focus : secure the funding to locate and acquire the laboratory-village site
funding: projected requirement ……… between £5,000,000 & 6,500,000
timing : commencing late 2014 / early 2015
focus : study of the land in detail; complete matrix for LightLiving; prepare initial plans
funding : projected requirement ……… £800,000 to £1,000,000
timing : 12-18 months
focus : select designer / architects phased construction
funding : to be defined
timing : 26 to 42 months to completion
(e) ongoing – host think-groups & workshops to study all elements of the matrix for LightLiving, includes travel and attending symposia and giving addresses (per Stage-1)
Details are liable to be adjusted as the project unfolds.
All funding to date has come from own resources, from the pockets of the founder-promoters.
As the concept of ‘ownership’ is one of the issues to be addressed in full at the Laboratory, the intention is that the entire village be owned by this Foundation, or a natural trust, and not by any individuals. This means that all acquisition, planning, building and furnishing costs will be carried by the Foundation. The closest model to the development of the Light Living Laboratory is that of conceiving and building a new university or residential senior school from scratch.
Apart from attracting essential operating funds for this development phase, the plan is to develop a first capital fund, to be available as soon as land suitable for the laboratory-village becomes available. Once this land has been acquired, it is a distinct probability that temporary accommodation on this site will help give early expression of our plans and help develop the core of the laboratory-village. The type and size of land required for the laboratory-village, currently costs typically in the region of £3 to £6 millions.
While the capital costs are planned to be raised exclusively from philanthropic sources, the funding to keep the Laboratory going is expected to be heavily augmented by commercial activities set up specifically to support the community. Community members working outside the community will be expected to make financial contributions to compensate those who remain and work exclusively within the community.
Small Steps
Spend ‘n Support provides links to internet trading organisations. These, and the links to specific books, videos and recordings, contain affiliate codes. When orders are placed via these links they will generate a small fee for this Foundation. Please use these links, and suggest to family and friends they use them too. Doing so does not cost a penny more. And each penny so earned is in effect a direct contribution to actively intending the future, rather passively sit back and see what it has to offer, what shape it will take.
Thank you.